You the client is the most important person in our business, without you we would not be in business and therefore we promise to give you the Service and Quality you deserve at a competitive price . We understand that there is a lot more to customer satisfaction that slapping a coat if paint on the wall and therefore go out of our way to leave happy clients behind .

We also pride ourselves in using Quality products to manufacturers specifications on correctly prepared and primed surfaces to give our clients a Quality Durable Long Lasting Finish at a competitive price .

We build long lasting relationships of mutual benefit with our clients as we understand just too well that redecoration is a natural cycle that have to be repeated again and again over the years and happy clients will not only use us again , but are great ambassadors for our company as we know there is no better advertising than word of mouth.

We do not claim to be perfect but we strive to deliver superior service and continuously give on the job training , not only in the correct preparation of substrates and application of products , but also about customer service and customer satisfaction.

We have incentives in place and develop and promote from within to not only give staff a sense of pride but to serve as a motivator to deliver well above average productivity This in turn benefits not only the company but everyone involved from the lowest paid employee to the highest paid foreman /manager but most of all the most important person in our company, you the client.

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Call us today for advise that suits your specific Painting and Renovation needs and budget.

Our team will advise you on the best possible solutions for your particular applications or renovations.

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